Conférence annuelle

TitreLieuDateSpeakersSite web
15th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsNancyJune 17-17, 2025P. Bossaerts, S. Fleming and P. Strack
14th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsGrenobleJune 27-28, 2024C. Bicchieri
G. Fréchette
13th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsMontpellierMay 25-26, 2023M. Bigoni
M. Kirchler
R. Metcalfe
12th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsLyon30th june and 1st july 2022G. Charness
N. Hanaki
D. Kübler
11th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsDijonSeptember 2-3, 2021A. Gneezy
S. Fiorin
11th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsLyonCancelled (COVID-19)M. Belot
G. Charness
10th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsToulouseJune 19, 2019A. Barr
A. Riedl
9th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsNiceJune 14, 2018F. Mengel
R. Sugden
8th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsRennesJune 8, 2017L. Rutstrom
A. Rapoport
7th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsCergy-PontoiseJune 9, 2016R. Croson
S. Gaechter
6th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsParisJune 14, 2015A. Rubinstein
D. Prelec
5th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsBesançonMay 21, 2014M. Niederle
U. Gneezy
4th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsLyonJune 20, 2013C. Eckel
R. Benabou
3rd International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsMontpellierMay 31, 2012W. Güth
P. Wakker
2nd International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsSchoelcher (Martinique)May 19, 2011J.C. Cardenas
D. Cooper
1st International Conference of the French Association of Experimental EconomicsGrenobleSeptember 23, 2010